Boat rental, Skedesjön
Boat rental is offered by Mycklaflons Camping. All boats are located in Lake Mycklaflon by the campsite. To fish with a rented boat at Skedesjön, you need to drive the boat from Mycklaflon and continue into Skedesjön. (The lakes are joined.)
Bookings can be made by e-mail, phone, or in person at Mycklaflons Camping.
The campsite is open from 1 May to 30 September. You can sometimes rent a boat outside of this period. Call and ask first.
A total of 5 plastic boats are available for rent.
3 have a motor (4–5 hp) and 2 are rowing boats.
The boats can be rented by the hour, half day, full day, or weekly.
For current prices, see the Mycklaflons Camping website.