Tabergsåns fvof
Fishing water
Tabersgån with its cold water is a covey spawning area for brook trout. The river stretches from Månsarp in the south through Taberg, Norrahammar, Hovlätt and flows into Munksjön in central Jönköping. Around the river there are beautiful slopes with deciduous forest and old spruce forests. The river is in some places very central, but there are many stretches with lush nature where you can fish in isolation.
Over the years, Tabergsån has had many dams that were used by the industries in the area, there are remains from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Since 1990, Jönköping municipality has worked actively to improve the biological values in Tabergsån. Examples of measures that have been carried out in the Tabergsån and its tributaries are the supply of play gravel, blocks and dust removal. The measures have opened up spawning areas long upstream in the river and the fish can now swim freely from the water to the masmästardam.
Throughout the year, the Tabergsåleden also runs, which you can follow from Månsarp to Munksjön, here there are also a number of rest areas with barbecue areas.