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  • Fishing water

Everyone, whether a Swedish or a foreign citizen, is welcome to angle, jig fish, spin, reel, or fly fish from the shore or boat. Hand gear fishing is permitted without restriction throughout Lake Vättern. A maximum of 10 hooks may be used per person.
The Swedish fishing rules website lays out all the fishing rules, which can be easily found using the map feature, where the user can define an area and see which rules apply in that particular area.
“Sport fishing rights on Lake Vättern” provides an overview of the rules, including the most important rules for crayfish and sport fishing as a PDF file that can be printed out. You should always keep this with you in the boat when fishing!
The water is delimited in Motala by Storbron Bridge and in Karlsborg by Kanalbron Bridge, as well as by straight lines between the two outermost headlands of the estuary by inflowing watercourses.
Trolling is permitted on public waters and on private waters outside the so-called open shore. For this type of fishing, a maximum of 10 lures per boat may be used. You may not take home your catch on a trolling or otter fishing trip. On individual waters without an open shore, the fishing rights holders decide how trolling and drag rowing may be conducted. In private waters without an open shore in the northern archipelago, fishing licences for trolling are sold in some places.
For sport fishing, a total of three fish across the species char, trout, and salmon may be kept per person per day, i.e. a maximum of three fish in total. Of these, a maximum of two may be char.
When sport fishing south of the limit line in the north of Lake Vättern, only one hook may be used per lure. The hook may be a single, double, or triple hook. Clarification regarding lure fish tackle.
All fishing within 100 metres of fixed gear and fish farms is prohibited.
In Sweden, it is forbidden to move live fish and crayfish between different waters. This means that any live bait must be caught in Vättern or its tributaries. It also means that fish or crayfish caught in Lake Vättern may not be moved to other lakes. Please see the page on fish diseases and parasites for more information.
We request the following:

You handle fish to be released again in such a way as to avoid damage. To avoid damage, the fish should be handled as little as possible and their time in the air minimised. If possible, you should unhook fish in the water outside the boat or in a bucket filled with water inside the boat. The use of single hooks and barbless hooks facilitates gentle re-release. Find out more about handling fish at the following link or watch the video below.

  • Abborre
  • Benlöja
  • Bergsimpa
  • Björkna
  • Braxen
  • Bäcknejonöga
  • Elritsa
  • Gädda
  • Gärs
  • Gös
  • Lake
  • Mört
  • Nors
  • Sarv
  • Sik
  • Siklöja
  • Stensimpa
  • Sutare
  • Ål
  • Öring

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